Thursday, March 31, 2005
gonna make it short b4 i head for school..
towned with guang for the outift testing of those pageant finalists.. waste of time i say..
billard at night.. we're evenly matched in pool.. its the same for billlard... tied at 2 a piece..
headed off to chiang home for games n all..
pigged out all the way till 6.30am...
headed out for breakfast.. you heard me right.. when was the last time i had breakfast?
had a nice chat and laugh there.. so freakin cool to sit early in the morn to chat bout crap and
since all 3 of us are cranky from he lack of sleep, it juz adds on to the fun..
will be heading to school soon for pageant meeting
then will be dinner n dance meeting
b4 heading to town again for the 2nd round of outfit testing..
then it will be the photoshoot 2molo..
lack of sleep man..
alrights... thats enough for an entry.. will be back on saturday to update..
made a promise `
+ 8:03 AM
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Felt the tremors juz nw..
kinda scary i guess..
8.2 in Sumatra..
another disaster..
lets hope its nt another tsunami incident...made a promise `
+ 2:32 AM
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Slept all the way till 7pm 2day..
and the will be over before i know it...
i dunno wat to update..
everyday is spent lazing around for nw..
its been a long time since i hit town.. any1?
the later part of this week and next week will b real busy..
with pageant n DnD coming up..
Lets hope it will be a success...
tues- FTT
wed- Driving, FOC meeting
thurs- Pageant meeting, Suki buffet?
fri- Pageant finalist studio shoot
sat- Sentosa?
sun- Lots of sleep
mon- Driving, Pageant training
tues- Pageant training, SL camp
wed- SL Camp
thurs- SL camp
fri- Dinner and Dancemade a promise `
+ 11:27 PM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Tennis sucks 2day...
the rain spoilt it all.. din get to play much...
guang n sue headed for pageant at Simei ITE
while the rest of us went to marine parade for dim sum...
walked around for a while b4 heading home...
might be staying over at chiang's place 2nite..
n the light in my room is spoilt.. damn.. keeps flickering..
even nw im typing in the dark and it sucks.made a promise `
+ 10:00 PM
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Damn.. Now i know it does not pay to not do your work..
can u imagine im having problems with calculus now..
damn.. forgot lots of stuff.. n lack of practice i must say...
coz i never do any tutorial work at all..made a promise `
+ 1:03 AM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
The car stall n stall n stall...
5 or 6 times i think..
is keer jialat...
but song...
drove from punggol to ang mo kio
to yio chu kang..
and finally back to hougang...made a promise `
+ 11:29 AM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
He came home with two extra phones 2day!!
A Motorola V3 Razr
A Nokia 6260
Ultimate Craziness!!!
He's feeling so darn rich!!!
He stil want to get a O2 phone for me!!!made a promise `
+ 10:15 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
Hesistance and Indecisiveness can be very costly at times.. damn..made a promise `
+ 1:24 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
A: Im going to be the next hitler
A: Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
B: why the clown
A: See? no one cares about the jews
B: WTH!? hahaha...made a promise `
+ 5:36 PM
Friday, March 18, 2005
One foolish act leads to another and another and it all ends up in one huge vicious cycle.made a promise `
+ 5:05 PM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Got my cable back like finally..
I miss my discovery travel and living, star world, AXN, MTV, ESPN, star movies, Cinemax, HBO... and esp Nick, Disney and Cartoon Network...made a promise `
+ 12:16 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Parents and siblings gone for a trip to China for the rest of the week.
Terribly lonely and sad at home...made a promise `
+ 1:54 AM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Been surviving on very little sleep lately.. But i must say.. im enjoying myself...
no sleep on tuesday after 401.. clubbing on wed nite,little sleep as well.., Lau pa Sat and 401 on thursday.. Tennis on friday, got home bout 12+.. Sentosa and Xbox on Sat.. Enjoyment..
after this week, its back to studies for me... but there are sure to be lots of events in between.made a promise `
+ 10:23 PM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Know's what enjoyment? Tell me more...
Back from school
Xboxing from 8.30-10pm
401 talk cock from 10.30pm - 4am
More talk cock at void deck from 4am - 5.30am
Nt sleeping and going to school at 7
Principal dialogue
Chinablack with CMM peeps at night
Its good to catch up with friends. It felt real good. Things which you never once knew came out. Its a chance to learn more from one another. We should have this talk cock session sometime soon again.made a promise `
+ 5:54 AM
Sunday, March 06, 2005
grandma's birthday. had a great dinner at long beach. lobster sashimi n all. must have cost a lot i guessed?

anyways.. rushed down from marina south to TM cartel after that. It was a great gathering. nice seeing adam b4 he goes into the army. Went on to 85 later in the night and chilled for a while.
went home on a cab with tan n chiang.
some things juz aint the same anymore. a lot of catching up needs to be done. seriously.

made a promise `
+ 8:56 PM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Calling out ALL TP/Non TP Students
TP Graduation Dinner & Dance 2005
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel (Grand Ballroom)
Date: 8th April 2005
Pre-cocktail starts: 6pm
*Programmes include:
- Prom King & Prom Queen
- Best Dressed
- Crowning of First time Mr and Miss TP Pageant
- Winner of "Dream It, Do It" Competition organised by BSC and ESC
- Bands performing (selected from auditions)
Tickets are selling at $60, after $5 subsidy from Students' Union.
Stand a chance to win S1500 worth of lucrative lucky draw prizes, vouchers and take away a Motorola Razr V3 worth $1200.
If you would like to book tickets first: call me @94881293 or email me at
Be part of this magical night, call on your friends and enjoy this nightmade a promise `
+ 10:47 PM