Friday, April 29, 2005

Wonder what this device does...
Warning: View at your own risk, esp females...
Extremly gruesome and sick.
made a promise `
+ 10:10 PM
English Genius You scored 100% Beginner, 100% Intermediate, 100% Advanced, and 86% Expert! |
You did so extremely well, even I can't find a word to describe your excellence! You have the uncommon intelligence necessary to understand things that most people don't. You have an extensive vocabulary, and you're not afraid to use it properly! Way to go!
Thank you so much for taking my test. I hope you enjoyed it!
For the complete Answer Key, visit my blog: |
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 76% on Beginner |
You scored higher than 69% on Intermediate |
You scored higher than 90% on Advanced |
You scored higher than 91% on Expert |
made a promise `
+ 2:28 PM
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Saw this girl's wallpaper online and i found it pretty funny..
so i juz kop it to show every1...

cows humping cowsss....
hmmmmmm.....made a promise `
+ 2:40 AM
Friday, April 22, 2005
Finally a break for all of us...
Went over to PA's holiday flats for our rest as well as to celebrate doggie's birthday..
Reached bout 4 and we stocked the refrigerator with loads of food and hundred cans of Coke...
Had BBQ the 1st night.. and by the end of the night, all was smelly n dirty due to us throwing cake and satay sauce around...
the cake

doggie n xueling

the saboing starts- box of stinking seafood water

Yes.. Coke.

cans of coke were downed on him

The ultimate satey sauce on my hands


Guang was victorious

The ultimate dirtiness

Down and Out

Guang was so freaking happy

So its his turn next...

My pasar malam pants were filled with satay sauce

And the washing begins...

Guang stil remained a happy man...

Cleared up and we went back to game all the way till morn before having breakfast and going to bed... played a little basketball b4 heading out to kbox...
On the way there


Promoting Kbox new drink- K Ice

Headed back bout 1+ and several wrestling match started...
1st up was a 8 on 1 handicap match...
and the victim was....
Mr Hoe

soon.. it became my turn...

Had a 1 on 1 with chiang

and we ended off with the rematch of wat we started off with..
a classic rematch between guang and chiang...

was so exhausted that i fell asleep soon after tat...
had lots of basketball n games on the 3rd day
and at night while most were having fun playing games..
two guys were caught habing some fun of their own..

after american idol and some games of winning eleven, and lots of chicken wings..
we had some card games in the room... where guang was singing songs until sue bth.. laugh until she hyperventilate..
eug came in and we had a huge pillow fight...
We then ended off the night with lots of songs, cheers and watsoever..made a promise `
+ 11:25 PM
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Will be gg off for the next few days..
will be back with lotsa pics..
please say u will miss mi.. hahamade a promise `
+ 1:44 AM
Friday, April 15, 2005
GUYS only...
urinal ettiquette
pls try it.. its pretty fun.. a promise `
+ 11:25 PM
Thursday, April 14, 2005
my best driving lesson ever..
minimal mistakes...
a lot of jiao wey..
girls, marriage and frankie's style of girl bioing...
ultimate man...
*1st you must sign, ok liao then u chop lok ki..made a promise `
+ 11:41 AM
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Crazy late nights turn people into kiddos
We interupt this blog session with some important news!!
As found out from our reporter, it is understood that several crazy nights have turned the lady codenamed kazumi(name will not be revealed as she is still a minor) as shown in the picture into a kiddo looking girl.

And upon understanding the situation, some idiot tried this as well. He forced himself not to sleep for a few days and engaged in crazy activities which would not be revealed. This resulted in him(name kept secret to protect identity) to look something like

Its definetely hideous for one to look like tat.
Now lets compare the two pics side by side.

Experts have noted that there is an uncanny resemblance of 90%
No doubt attributing it to the lack of sleep and who knows what they have donemade a promise `
+ 12:57 AM
Monday, April 11, 2005
Boy am i glad that everything is finally over...
After so many months of planning n stuff...
Pageant n Dinner&Dance...
Glad to see both turning out to be a huge success...
Our Mr n Miss TP- Ron Wee and Cindy Ling...
Cheerios to the other finalists as well... they definetely did us proud...
SL camp is over...
Soon it will be FOC..
Then Week 0...
More planning on its way...
Last project before our term of office ends...
Long and tiring year i must say...made a promise `
+ 12:58 AM
Saturday, April 09, 2005
SL pics n DND pics are out..
they r under pictures2..made a promise `
+ 10:47 PM
Friday, April 08, 2005
Exams results SMS comin out in a few hours time..
lets hope all do well for the exams...made a promise `
+ 12:31 PM
Juz got home nt long ago.
SL camp was fun as i expected.
thou some programs need to be changed.
make some new frens thou. hmm..
anyway, dnd later in the night.
n i juz remb i have lots of stuff yet to prepare.
im such a goner. cham sia.made a promise `
+ 1:40 AM
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Slept frm 6pm all the way till tis morning.. luckily i woke up in time for pageant..
now.. wats this?? (parental advisory is needed)
view at your own risks..
but do check out the other links..
they have funny stuff there..
like a criminal thorwing slipper at judge, gay penguins, people mistaking burnt barbie doll is an ET, women smuggling bears saying they are dogs, burglar getting stuck in chimney, camel milk chocolates and stuff we never knew about like a ref sending himself off in a soccer match, Arsenal players are banned from swapping tops coz they are running out of them and how Rio Ferdinands's teammates put yoghurt on his new £200,000 Bentley.made a promise `
+ 1:24 AM