Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Nuggets that costs 60 bucks sure taste different... haha..
made a promise `
+ 12:09 AM
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Of The 4 Hr Dinner
Had dinner buffet at Ritz from 6.30 pm till 10.30 pm
Good food, great dessert. Nothing much happened though.
I'll Juz leave u guys with some pics...
The culinery

The uper fresh oysters.. i had tons of them..

The appertisers

The ultimate beef and chicken sausage

Nice looking beef

Cod Fish, Salmon andChicken.

The main course

Stil on the main

Dessert.. dun really look good here.. but they had tons of desserts there.. and they kept changing the variety.

The dinner was great.. kept eating n eating... haha..made a promise `
+ 11:36 PM
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
was suchhh an ordinary slacking tuesday..
until 6 in the evening when da lady boss ask us if we would like to go to the BLACK EYED PEAS CONCERT coz she wanted to go home to rest n dun feel like watching..
Ulitmate cool shiat... 119 bucks tix...
Rock the night away... so darn fun with the partying..
*paiseh.. no pics due to no digicam around and the lousy camera phone.made a promise `
+ 11:25 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
the weekend was spent out.. cool to be hanging around..
din do my reflections again.. so freaking screwed.. haha..
had a very wierd dream yest.. like how i wish for it to be true.. but it just wun be..
im just a confused kid.. i need some1 to lead the way..
so stoned nw.. watching the encore telecast of the Emmys..
yawnsss and out..made a promise `
+ 11:29 PM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
if you're trying to get on my nerves or trying to get revenge for something..
i must say u have succeded.. totally.. now.. screw you man..made a promise `
+ 2:10 AM
Monday, September 12, 2005
"somehow i knew it was you"
you just have to get me all excited again, don't you? haha..
made a promise `
+ 12:34 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
i combed my hair in a slightly different way 2day.
i think i looked pretty ok with my contacts..
but my sis said i looked like a butch with my glasses on.
like wat the hell man..made a promise `
+ 12:42 AM
Friday, September 09, 2005
Don't you feel that sometimes when you try hard to plan something concidental, things just don't turn out right.
But when you leave things the way it is, some strange stuff happens and there you go, everything just seems so wonderful all of a sudden.made a promise `
+ 8:31 AM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
just got home from MUST SEE TUESDAY SHOOT..
Shoot yesterday was pretty cool.. i was acting as a son for some TV Moblie Corporate Video..
1st location was Seletar Country Club. Great time spent at the golf course.
Next up, TAPAS TREE. Had a lunch scene there. We get to eat the food as well. Super nice ambience. The food's super good. Took a peek at the menu later on and realised that the stuff there are kinda ex huh.
Went on to Raffles Place MRT Station to shoot next. Was at the MRT platform where i had to walk along this stretch tuning in to some music video on my PS2 Portable b4 sitting down at some corner. Hell lots of people staring.. esp those waiting for their train to arrive.. though like im the next big thing on TV. Was freaky cool thou.
Then went on to MOTHERCARE CENTREPOINT for damn cool scene b4 ending off at mediacorp.
Shoot 2day started off badly with the bad weather. but everything turned out pretty cool in the end. Ended the scene in MediaCorp and headed off to this hospital in Jurong for the next scene.
Was kinda shocked to see Keshia there as well. Filming an ep for TAB TV. such a concidence i must say. Went on with the shoot and Parker was being real funny with his spastic look n pout. He's our CHIEF SCHEDULER by the way. You'll see it when it comes out on TV Text Thurs or Friday. Cool Stuff i must say.
Im like totally zoned out now. will talk more shiat 2molo.made a promise `
+ 11:18 PM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
i finally went running after like so long..
2 rounds of punggol park...
or should i say 3/4 round?
the rest was spent walking..
a night supposed for running ended up with childish playing of hopscotch, swing n see saw...
WAHAHAHA!! bummed out..made a promise `
+ 12:22 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Of Explaining Life
When God created the dog, he said: "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark. i will give you a lifespan of 20 years."
The dog said: "Thats too long to be barking. I'll give you back 10 years."
When God created the monkey, he said: "Entertain people, make them laugh. I'll give you a 20-year lifespan."
The monkey said: "How boring, monkey tricks for 20 years. I'll give you back 10 years too."
Then God created the cow. He said: "You work the field with the farmer, have calves and give milk. I will give you a lifespan of 60 years."
The cow said: "Thats a tough life. Let me have 20 and I'll give back the other 40."
When God ceated man, he said: "Eat, sleep, play, marry and enjoy all you can. I'll give you 20 years."
Man said: "What? Only 20 years! I'll take my 20 and the other 40 the cow gave back and the 10 the monkey gave back and the 10 the dog gave back. That makes 80."
SO, that is why the first 20 years we eat, sleep, play and enjoy ourselves. For the next 40 years, we slave in the sun to support our family; the next 10 years we do monkey tricks to entertain the grandchildren, and for the last 10 years we sit by the door and bark at everyone.made a promise `
+ 3:04 AM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
great time spent going to the tofu eating palace and back..made a promise `
+ 5:12 AM