Wednesday, December 28, 2005
becoz of this last year and the success of previous boxing day feasts..
we had another 1 this year..

but the difference this year..
we had gift exchanging..
thats the best part of it..
Look at their happy faces...

I think Xueling got the best present in the end..
a pair of RENOMA MEN G-String.. hahaha..

People were fast to fall last year.. due to alcohol..
at least 6 people fell..

this year..
only 1 person was knocked out...
and tats mr luvchild.. Adam..

He turned totally PURPLE...
all becoz he drank Ribena..

HAHA.. no lar.. we had Vodka Ribena throughout...
04 almost joined him after a while...

Meteora86 dared some1 to finish the vodka..

and Mr Pui did it..
after saying bo tar bo lan par.. (too explicit to translate)
and he was knocked out as well..

See you guys again next year..
where i will be the head chef then..
wasted ah dog n xueling had to leave early and they are nt in the pic..

made a promise `
+ 2:42 AM
Monday, December 26, 2005
jialat liao..
i think im in trouble this time..
have gotten myself a psychotic lover..
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
those days???
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
wah...really hor....very long...
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
i rem coming online and not seeing u online...
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
i almost went to slit my wrists u noeeeeee
And what can i say to that??made a promise `
+ 3:22 AM
Friday, December 23, 2005
and don't u dare threaten me...
especially when u have someone to back u up..
HAHAHHAS...made a promise `
+ 11:12 PM
Thursday, December 22, 2005
i made a pair of wierd looking glasses 2day..
thought it was quite stylo at 1st..
but began to have 2nd thoughts when i reached home..
its quite cheap la.. so who cares... HAHA..made a promise `
+ 10:56 PM
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
i noe u;re cute lah...u've got the cute face
a wide-eyed flutter and the violins, they swell says:
and now i cant sleep at night.. WAHAHA...made a promise `
+ 12:41 AM
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
the wedding was great..
but the table i was at was filled with tension...
and also.. the cafe at Carlton Hotel is a nice place to chill..
somehow.. this entry feels dumb...made a promise `
+ 11:57 PM
Sunday, December 18, 2005
it was great time in town 2day..
caught up with 2 old friends...
miss poa and mr luvchild...
haven seen miss poa for months.. and it was great to catch up with her..
as for mr luvchild..
he was damn evil to suan "my friend" about her PARACHUTE PANTS..
miss chan was feeling real rich 2day..
a reef bag, and a DKNY watch which costs $195..
and also.. she got a FOSSIL notebook and a RADIO..
which she gave to me and mr pomata..
many thanks to that.. hahaha...made a promise `
+ 2:58 AM
Thursday, December 15, 2005
one often have to bear the consequences of his actions...
there's a limit to everything...
sometimes when u do go overboard with things, even your friends turn on you...
its good to take time off n do some self reflections...made a promise `
+ 12:33 AM
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
sometimes.. even old friends need some meeting up...
it always sucks when frens doubt your friendship...
both sides just need to put in the effort..
*i feel a sudden urge to go to town this weekend*made a promise `
+ 11:15 PM
i went running... running.. yes u heard me right...
cheerios to that...made a promise `
+ 12:53 AM
Monday, December 12, 2005
the maiden trip to Mustafa Shopping Centre was filled with all sorts of dangers...
n i meant dangers....
those who know me should know what i meant...made a promise `
+ 12:26 AM
Saturday, December 10, 2005
perhaps it was a right decision not to go to zoukout..
cheers to the bonding exercises...
*i realise in bugis... everything aso can chiong...made a promise `
+ 12:34 AM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
island life was great.
fractured-foot, prettylame, vince04, , haybeehiam, meteora_86 and tabo0. with rachel joining us for dinner..
ultimate no holds barred match wrestling match again in the water. -videos available upon request-
haybeehiam tried a peter crouch volley that was stuck on the 15m palm tree. we actually spent 1 hour trying to retrieve the 45bucks volleyball. -videos available upon request-

prettylame claimed all the glory as he was the one who got the ball down eventually.
best server of the day was none other than tabo0... but i think i did better with all my aces. Other than that... he was the weakest link.
a babe approached us while we were getting ready for the next match and asked us if she could join our team for the next game... quite pretty ar and i think she had a thing on mr pomata...
she joined our team and we nearly won... she was from TP too... It was just too bad we didn't manage to take a photo with her... wasted..
off to an exciting party coming up later at sengkangmade a promise `
+ 10:57 PM
Thursday, December 01, 2005
how come im always not heng enough..??
i seriously think i need more luck...made a promise `
+ 1:24 AM