Friday, March 31, 2006
Of Ah Guang is a Gu Niangam at guang house now..
juz finished playing mahjong..
the rest decided to watch THE MAID..
then i sianz come room use net..
coz i watch it for 3 times alr...
Guang is scared...
he sit on the sofa...
chio ka pengg...
reminds me of the time in pri 6....
made a promise `
+ 4:36 AM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
am still awake at this time..
juz sent off the parents to the airport..
sent the maid back to her home...
am totally exhausted...
DnD was greattt...
had 2 servings of some of the food as we had only 7 ppl at our table..
all went smoothly and the entertainment was fun enought..
Im kinda proud of my video and the laughter it drew...
had tons of pictures taken..
b4 everything...

How Candid..

Seems as though we were out clubbing..

graduating kias....

The reception girls...

Fallen angel

Hmmm.. HAHAHA...


*picture of the day* hahaas..

made a promise `
+ 8:33 AM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
was up at 4.45am..
chionging 140km/h in a van on PIE at this time was crazy..
adrenaline rush and i was zunning(shaking)..
i find this entry meaningless..
juz wanted to type something..made a promise `
+ 11:13 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
it takes 20 goodbyes b4 i went to bed..
all thanks to you..
hahaha..made a promise `
+ 11:32 PM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
2 people can be in the same place at the same time but not meet at all.
On the other hand, 2 fated person will meet no matter what whether they know each other or not.
Ain't it strange how fate can play a part in everything you do.made a promise `
+ 8:13 PM
Monday, March 13, 2006
After living in silence for more than 2 years,
my laptop finally made some noise 2day..
and so finally, the speakers are working once again.
say hello to music.made a promise `
+ 9:14 PM
Of Hero saves the Beauty(ying xiong jiu mei)
Once upon a time, there lived someone who led a simple life.
He didn't ask for much in life.
Only to pass each day as it is.
He enjoys spending time with his friends, playing outdoor sports.
One fine day, he decided to go to Sentosa with three of his friends.
There, he formed a team with his friends and played against some cute japanese girls.
He was happy. He looked at one of the girls and thought that she was extremely cute.
He even exchanged positions to be a spiker as she was standing at the net.
The closest contact he had with her was when he handed the ball to her and smiled at her.
On his way out of Sentosa, he was walking behind a girl.
All of a sudden, she tripped and fell towards the direction of the road.
A car was approaching. He had to act fast.
He leaned forward to pull her in and as a result, he fell with one knee hitting the road.
A huge patch of skin on his knee was scraped off and it resulted in his knee bleeding profusely.
He sat there in pain and forced himself to keep the tears in his eyes. He stood up and continued walking, not wanting to 'pangseh' his friends who are waiting for him at Plaza Singapura.
At that moment, he thought to himself, "Why must I be so kae khiang".
-pics will follow-
for those who do not wish to disgust themselves n vomit ur dinner,
please kindly hit Alt F4 or the X button on the top right corner.

bloodied in Sentosa.
*pls ignore the fats*

the ugly bandage done by my mama.
Ok. Time to close this window.

the patch of skin on my knee after 1 day.made a promise `
+ 2:32 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Trip was Sentosa was great..
made a whole lot of friends..
Friends from USA.. Friends from Japan..
Its embarassing to say..
But i fell in love with a cute japanese girl..
HAHAHA..made a promise `
+ 1:05 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Since there is a fascination with videos nowadays..
i think i should post some of our very own...
Ah dog trying to get the ball out of the tree
made a promise `
+ 10:27 PM